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Let's Talk Racism
5 Tips to Raise Racially Conscious Kids
Included are tips for how parents can work to raise racially conscious children, who are proactive against perpetuating systems or experiences embedded in racism.
Strategies for Discussing Race, Racial Discrimination & Racial Trauma with
Research has indicated that youth experience racism, prejudice, and bias as early as preschool. For many, their interpersonal experiences of racism, prejudice and bias can be quite disorienting, and can influence functioning, particularly for youth who have experienced other traumas. As such, it is important that those connected to youth (parents, guardians, trusted family members, mental health/behavioral health providers, teachers and community) create spaces and opportunities to discuss race and race-related stressors with youth.

Let's Talk Mental Health
A National Emergency in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Learn about how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the need for mental and behavioral healthcare and find out why we must do more to ensure children have access to the full continuum of needed care.
Coping & Wellness: Behavioral Activation
Behavioral activation is a coping strategy that helps to improve depression or anxiety. Many times, depression and anxiety may lead to increased isolation or disengagement from activities that were previously enjoyable.
Mental Health and Wellness Apps
Mental health apps can be useful in providing additional mental health support, coping skills, and resources. They are also beneficial because they are accessible and portable when mental health services are limited. We recommend the use of mental health apps as one tool for improving your mental well-being.
Black Mental Health and Wellness Podcasts
Black Mental Wellness invites you to use Podcasts as a health resource to learn more about mental health and wellness. We have provided a few of our favorite
Podcasts to get you started.
Coping & Wellness: Pleasant Activities
Please refer to this list of healthy activities that you can use to replace unhealthy behaviors. We want you to get active, increase your positive interactions and experiences, and to ultimately start feeling better!
Calming Breaths
Learning to control and to calm your breathing is a powerful tool in reinforcing relaxation and reducing your levels of stress. Breathing exercises allow you to center and quiet your thoughts, focus on your breaths and to be in the present moment. Breathing exercises are a quick and easy strategy that you can implement anywhere and at any time to reduce your stress and to increase your feeling of relaxation and calm.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

Let's Talk Substance Abuse
Find Naloxone Near You
To find naloxone near you, click on the link to the right use the + and – buttons below to zoom in and out or search by your zip code.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Let's Talk College
UNCF Portfolio Project
The mission of the Portfolio Project is to increase the number of minority and low-income college and scholarship applicants. Their strategy is to ‘Engage, Enable, and Ensure’ that 11th and 12th grade students are equipped with the tools, access, and exposure necessary to reach their dreams and aspirations of attending universities, colleges, trade, and vocational schools.

Let's Talk Water Safety
Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Providers
The Learn-to-Swim program is unique compared to other learn to swim programs. The program is designed for children over 6 months up to adults. Students progress through the levels at their own pace, mastering the skills in the one level before then advancing to the next.
American Red Cross Swimming + Safety
Parents & caregivers can attend free water safety classes led by the Red Cross, also find swimming and water safety classes near you.
Drowning Prevention and Water Safety
The Washington State Drowning Prevention Network and Seattle Children’s work together to provide you with information and resources on water safety and drowning prevention. We can prevent drownings if we all do our part!
Life-guarded Beaches in Bellevue & Seattle
View a list of life-guarded beaches along with their hours of operation.

Let's Talk Local African Food
Safari Restaurant
5041 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118
Dijahs Kitchen
16108 Ash Way, 103 Lynnwood, Washington 98087
Massawa Ethiopian & Eritrean Cuisine
4411 S Mead St, Seattle, WA 98118
Agelgil Ethiopian Restaurant
5041 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118
Paradise Restaurant
7250 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118
Juba Restaurant & Cafe
14223 Tukwila International Blvd, Tukwila, WA 98168

Let's Talk Covid-19
Strategies to Cope with COVID-19 Related Stress
We are all navigating through unprecedented times and changes due to the spread of COVID-19. This pandemic has impacted all of us! Black Mental Wellness wanted to share with you some coping and wellness strategies and resources that we hope will help you cope with and get through these trying times.
Coping with Covid: Tips for College Students
This section of resources are centered around strategies that can help ease your anxiety about changes in college/university norms due to COVID, as well as post-graduation tips, and mental health resources.

Let's Talk Immigration
Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund
Apply by November 14, 2022 and you could get at least $1,000
You can apply if you’re over 18, you live in Washington State, you are not eligible for federal stimulus funds or unemployment insurance due to your immigration status, and you’ve experienced difficult times because of the COVID-19 pandemic
It’s safe to apply. No information goes to the government, and the public charge rule should not apply
You can apply in Spanish, English, Chinese, Korean, or Tagalog, or call to get help in more languages

Let's Talk Covid-19 for Health Professionals
Free Tools and Apps to Support the Mental Health and Resilience of All Nurses
Access well-being tools for Nurses, find resources for a safe space to talk about your mental health and much more!
Emotional PPE
The Emotional PPE Project connects healthcare workers in need with licensed mental health professionals who can help. No cost. No insurance. Just a trained professional to talk to.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Caring for others requires that you also care for yourself. You are not alone. As you explore this page, take a moment to review signs that indicate it’s time to consider asking for support, as well as a range of resources created especially for frontline health care professionals. You’ll also find actionable tips on building resiliency, and ways for families to get involved.